Students and Graduates

Infinity Systems Engineering LTD offers a programme for new graduates to become engineering consultants in two years. We provide training, development opportunities, and support for professional memberships. Our Structured Personal Development Plans help with professional registration, with all graduates aiming to achieve IEng in 2 years.

We support work experience placements, undergraduate summer placements and mentoring of undergraduates.

Meet Curt

Graduate System Safety Engineer

“Infinity Systems Engineering is a company that allows me, as a graduate, to grow as an engineer. I recently graduated with an Aerospace Engineering Degree and I am currently on the two-year System Safety Graduate Program.  I know some people would shy away from a System Safety role however my time in Infinity has shown me how truly important this role is. I really enjoy solving complex technical problems that help improve the overall safety of a system and as an Infinity graduate, I am given this opportunity to do this on a daily basis.

As a graduate, I value my training and development and my career progression as a professional engineer. Infinity has provided me many opportunities to train and develop my skills via formal training sessions and on-the-job learning experiences. During my first six months I have been involved in several major projects, within the land and air sector,  which gave me the opportunity to actively apply and refine my engineering skills. My time in Infinity has also enabled me to envision a clear path for my career progression through gaining new connections, developing my skills and taking more responsibility in future roles. All of this will eventually accumulate and result in my goal of becoming a Chartered Engineer.

For me, a good day at work is not just completing as many tasks as possible. Instead, a good day is where I have learnt something new and applied this new knowledge into the project I am working on and working with an excellent and motivated team to complete all the task. I believe it is essential for anyone in their early career to experiment and learn as much as possible as this is what fuels my career development. It is also important to have an atmosphere that fosters camaraderie and positive engagement. Infinity accomplishes this by cultivating an innovative, collaborative and competitive environment and team. The team has quarterly social such as, go karting, escape rooms and company dinners which helps me form interpersonal connections and strengthens the team bond.

There are many things that I appreciate about Infinity. As a graduate, the working environment is welcoming and I personally love working with a highly skilled and adaptable team that can help me grow as an engineer. Upper management is really friendly and comforting. As a graduate, they are patient with me and are adept at swiftly resolving any issues I have. We are a small company, therefore I often find myself doing extra tasks which I did not expect such as supporting bids and calculating the companies carbon emissions, these extra tasks ensure that no day is the same and I always look forward to what tomorrow brings.”

Meet Tom

System Safety Engineer

Previous Graduate

"I joined ISE fresh out of university as a Graduate Systems Safety Engineer and am now a Systems Safety Engineer.  The Graduate Programme provided me everything I needed to thrive including formal training, on the job learning and mentoring. I was exposed to a wide range of projects in Systems, Safety and Environmental engineering across Land, Space, Air and Maritime systems as well as writing bids, attending industry events and project managing. This helped me to develop a well-rounded technical skillset, commercial awareness and enthusiasm which helped me achieve Incorporated Engineer before the end of my Graduate Programme.

I have continued to receive support while developing my skillset beyond the Graduate Programme, I've taken on more responsibility and am developing my skills to take on a leadership role. I have more control over the direction of my career and the company continues to support my professional development to Chartered status.

A good day at work for me is when I'm able to collaborate with my co-workers and complete a difficult task to a high standard. I also enjoy volunteering at schools in the local community as a STEM ambassador, it can be full on but seeing the kids excited and enthusiastic for STEM is very rewarding. The social events are also great fun.

The team at ISE are extremely knowledgeable, welcoming and proactive which makes for a great working environment where everyone feels valued and listened to. I think ISE has provided me a great start to my career and I'm excited to continue growing with the company.”